Friday 16 January 2009

British National Championships

Sorry i couldn't update sooner! I wasn't paying £20 for the two day wi-fi cost when I'd only be on for 20mins in that whole time. Anyway, if you didn't know already we retained our fourth senior title in Nottingham this week. We skated a pretty clean short, a few of our levels were 3 instead of 4 but corrected them for the free. It wasn't a personal best for this season but a pretty good attempt, just 2 points off and in general it was stronger than all of our other competitions this season.

Well, another national championships over with and another desired result. It was a well run event, apart from being so close to the European Championships and skating at the start of the week instead of the end everything was fine. Not a huge crowd for the short as it was a Monday but surprisingly not too bad for the long. Lots of controversy as ever at the British mainly with the ice dance, excitement you can't get from any other sport in the world it really does surprise me that skating doesn't bring in the crowds it should.

Stacey had her dress changed slightly in the free and made a big difference aesthetically, its the little things that take all season to finely tune and yet at the final competition where your just getting the hang of things its a totally clean slate and you have to start again. But like we have time to worry about things like that next week its Helsinki for the European Championships and as its our Olympic Qualifying season a personal best is pretty essential. We feel that everything is in place for us now though, we just have to enjoy ourselves. I hate getting too serious for these events as it can stop a true performance, but as long as i can say i tried my best i will be very happy!

With our flight to Helsinki for the European Championships tomorrow we will say a huge thank you to everyone who came to support us at the British Championships and hope you can watch us next week at the European Championships. We'll be in touch,

Stacey and David

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